It appears google doesn't know about the haversine formula. Huh? Well at least google can't draw the proper path for it. I typed in google "distance from Pyongyang to NewYork city" and got 10,916km. Ok that's fine but then it drew a map
The map path definitely did not look right. Pulled out my globe traced a rough path of the one google showed and I got 13 inches (where 1 inch=660miles) -> 8580 miles = 13808 km .. clearly looks like google goofed.
So we need Maple to show us the proper path.
m := WorldMap();
AddPath(m, [-74.0059, 40.7128], [125.7625, 39.0392]):
Ok so you say that really doesn't look like the shortest path. Well, lets visualize that on the globe projection
Display(m, projection = Globe, orientation = [-180, 0, 0])
Ah, now it is clear