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Seldom to ask question after retired math hobby Just waiting for beauty who born in 1994 And waited for her email to What is the difference in ownership among different universe?

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These are questions asked by ComputerUser

Eigenvector result is changing every time it run.

How to make eigenvectors result the same every time it run?


solve( sum((1/(1+x+x^2))*y^n, n=1..infinity) = 1, parametric=true, real);


How to solve two variables summation equation with parametric true or real triangularize?

how to solve for x and y?

1.1 * 10^2

but export text become two lines


1.1 *   10

pretty printing = 3 

but still two lines


how to export in one line such as 10^2 ?


If A then B After clustering B , how to find a set of A in machine learning topic and fuzzy topic?

Du plot two lines but overlapped 

how to set color of each line and choose each line plot on top of layer to confirm overlapped?

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