Thomas Richard

Mr. Thomas Richard

3556 Reputation

13 Badges

14 years, 157 days
Maplesoft Europe GmbH
Technical professional in industry or government
Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Thomas Richard

Just end the line with a colon, as opposed to a semicolon. Displaying the table is (technically speaking) a side effect of the Tabulate command. Its main effect is returning a value, which is unwanted here. See the 2nd item of the Description section on the help page.

Just adding a hint to vv's answer: you can also let Maple do the transform:

VectorCalculus:-int(exp(-(sqrt(4*x^2+4*y^2+4*z^2)^3)), [x,y,z] = Sphere( <0,0,0>, 2, [r,phi,theta]), 'inert');
simplify(%); # optionally

If you want to see the result and no intermediate steps, simply omit the 'inert' option.

Multiple commands can be entered in one line; just make sure they are separated by semicolon (displaying output) or colon (suppressing output).

w2:=sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2: simplify(w2);


For the order, we have PDEtools:-difforder, which also works for ODEs. AFAIK, it was implemented in PDEtools due to its more generic nature.

For the degree, you will have to construct something, perhaps by converting the ODE into a polynomial and then calling degree.

AFAIR, the menu item is for Classic worksheets which could be saved as XML (which was relevant many years ago, before .mw was introduced), and Classic exists for 32-bit Windows only (nowadays). But I don't have any such XML files to verify that guess.

So you have a .mw file that is recognized by Maple as an XML file? That sounds to me like a corrupted one. In that case, please see our FAQ at

In a few cases (depending on the input equations and options), the following may provide the desired information:

infolevel[fsolve] := 2:

# two examples from the fsolve help page:

f := sin(x+y) - exp(x)*y = 0:
g := x^2 - y = 2:
fsolve( {f, g} );

fsolve( ln(v) = v^2 );

Since the infolevel setting does not cover all cases, it has been left undocumented for fsolve.

... so it's easy to handle (even in exact arithmetic if wanted):

sys := [u[0,0],u[0,1],u[0,2]]:
vars := indets(sys,'name');
A,b := GenerateMatrix(sys,vars);
SOL[0] := LinearSolve(A,b);


You loaded the modern Statistics package, but then called the random[empirical] command from the outdated stats package. If you load stats instead, your worksheet wil run, but much better would be to rewrite it w.r.t. Statistics. Please see ?EmpiricalDistribution for a start.

BTW: there is also a WienerProcess command in the Finance package.

My suggestion is to use

simplify(result) assuming n::posint;


Please provide some example calls of GlobalSolve that emit an error message so that we can reproduce the issue.

If you're runing Maple 2018, your GOT version should be 2018 as well - otherwise you cannot install it properly.
You can enter version() to see a list of all Maple components and add-on products along with their build IDs (internal version numbers). GOT 2018 should have 1298750.

Independently of that, we recommend that you update Maple 2018.0 to the latest 2018.2.1; please see our list at Note that there is no such update for the GOT.

Upon entering our webstore at, just set the Category to Student, and Location to your country (to see the correct currency). Then open the full list of student products. The 12-months term license is linked at the bottom. It's a bit cheaper than the default perpetual license.

Eligibility for the Student Edition will be checked in both cases.

If I interpret and transfer the example given on the help page correctly, it works like this:

p1 := contourplot([r,theta,psi], r = 0 .. 1, theta = 0 .. 3*Pi*(1/8), coords=cylindrical, contours=20);
p2 := contourplot([r,theta,phi], r = 0 .. 1, theta = 0 .. 3*Pi*(1/8), coords=cylindrical, contours=20);

Is that what you need?

BTW: You don't need LinearAlgebra for this (unless your code snippet is just part of a longer worksheet).

I suppose you meant to write cos(t)^6, right? If so, then my suggestion is


You could even omit the 'trig' option, but I find it easier to read.

Alternatively, you could go the "manual" or stepwise way:


You can infer that simply from the 1st bullet item of the description: The FetchRow command returns value of all columns for the current row.

Furthermore, if we take a look at the output of showstat(FetchRow), there is no column parameter in the proc definition.

Please submit an SCR via MaplePrimes - thanks.

By entering the assignment operator := you have tried to assign the result of a Simulate call to A, but the correct way is to call the Simulate procedure of the module A that was created by calling LinkModel before. Note that :- is the so-called module member selection operator; see ?colondash or ?:- for help. Thus,


will do the job.

BTW: your Excel file is contained in your msim file, hence no need to upload it separately to MaplePrimes.

Apart from that, let me point out that GetCompiledProc is much more efficient than Simulate (which is essentially equivalent to hitting F5 or pressing the blue triangle button in MapleSim). But that comes later, when delving deeper into the API.

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