Thomas Richard

Mr. Thomas Richard

3556 Reputation

13 Badges

14 years, 157 days
Maplesoft Europe GmbH
Technical professional in industry or government
Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Thomas Richard

If you briefly describe what genvecs does, chances are good that you get replies from non-Mathcad-users like me.
Yes, such equations can be solved like this: rsolve({Y(t+1) + Y(t) = (-1)^t, Y(0)=2}, Y(t));. You might want to apply expand(%); to the result.
I think the easiest way is to load the Natural Units Environment. Please see ?Units,Natural and ?examples,NaturalUnits. The example worksheet also points out that explicit conversions may be preferrable if efficiency is an issue. BTW: I guess your input lines were meant to be x:=4*m and y:=5*m rather than x:=4(m) and y:=5(m), resp.. The latter variants are interpreted as constant functions, and automatically simplified to that constant value. In the Natural Units Environment, the output of the former variant will be displayed as x:=4[m] and y:=5[m], using square brackets.
Simply apply "Unix Network" update, called Maple1002UnixUpgrade.tar.gz. I have not applied this to my 64-bit Linux machine yet, but it worked that way the last time (10.00->10.01), and the installer script for 10.02 uses the same technique.
I'm not an expert on this topic, but I'd say that searching for such beasts on a single PC requires A LOT of patience, no matter what software you have. The largest known primes are usually those of Mersenne type, and according to the GIMPS Project, Maple 10's built-in list of Mersenne numbers is up-to-date. See ?numtheory[mersenne] for more information. In particular, numtheory[mersenne]([42]) will return the currently largest known prime. But even displaying it will require some time...
As a workaround, you could change the value for the 'lower' option to the Slider element in the exported .maplet file, using your favourite text editor. But make sure you keep a non-modified copy, because the edited file may not be readable from the Maplet Builder. This is a known limitation. If you create a Maplet the old-fashioned way (remember, the Maplet Builder is relatively new), you can use negative numbers from the very beginning, of course.
Robert Israel has a solution in his Maple Advisor Database. Please see labelledcontourplot.
It depends on how you want to use them. Basically, there are two ways I can think of:
  • External Calling: see ?define_external
  • Calling an executable: see ?ssystem and ?process[launch], e.g.
Depending on the application, it might be preferrable to have Maple generate Fortran 77 source code and use that in your programs. In that case, please see ?CodeGeneration.
This feature had been added in Maple 9. Quoting from ?updates,Maple9,graphics: "The following three plotting routines have been updated to allow a list of curves or surfaces as input: plot3d, plots[implicitplot], and plots[implicitplot3d].". The example directly above that text already uses the new feature, just like your example does. I don't have Francis Wright's book on my shelf, but according to his book homepage he used Maple 6 (and later Maple 7).
My recommendation on this topic is to work through the worksheet that you can open via ?examples,LinearAlgebraMigration. It's lengthy, but it's well worth the effort.
Maple has the same printf family of commands that you find in C, with some additional features such as the %a format specifier. If that's not what you want, take a look at interface(displayprecision) and/or its equivalent menu entry in the Tools > Options > Precision tab. To tell why Maple outputs 0, we would have to see your actual code and input.
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