Thomas Richard

Mr. Thomas Richard

3556 Reputation

13 Badges

14 years, 164 days
Technical professional in industry or government
Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Thomas Richard

Simply add this line:

plot(rhs(solution), t = 0 .. 5);

Your worksheet was saved with Maple 18 which is quite old.

The problem was fixed in a later version - not sure when exactly, but Maple 2023 gets it right. So the recommendation is to upgrade.

The following will return two formal solutions for nu, but I doubt they will be of much use:

Note that I have cleaned up parentheses a bit, and replaced U[w] by U__w (literal subscript, as opposed to indexing).

eta := (x,y,t) -> y/((nu*t*cos(alpha)+nu*x/U__w*sin(alpha))^(1/2));
psi := (x,y,t) -> U__w*(nu*t*cos(alpha)+nu*x/U__w*sin(alpha))^(1/2)*f(eta(x,y,t));

transf := [u(x,y,t) = diff(psi(x,y,t),y), v(x,y,t) = -diff(psi(x,y,t),x)];

eq1 := diff(u(x,y,t),x) + diff(v(x,y,t),y) = 0;
eq2 := diff(u(x,y,t),t) + u(x,y,t)*diff(u(x,y,t),x) + v(x,y,t)*diff(u(x,y,t),y) - nu*diff(u(x,y,t),y,y) = 0;
sys := [eq1,eq2]:

newsys := eval(sys,transf);
# newsys[1] is trivial: 0=0
neweq := simplify(newsys[2]);

Does this help?

Perhaps it's more useful to run pdsolve on the original system sys.

There are several ways to obtain that; I find this one quite easy:

p := x^2-a*x-b*x+a*b;
                   p := a b - a x - b x + x 

                          x  - 5 x + 6

L := [[2,3],[-3,7],[9,10]]:

seq(eval(p, [a,b] =~ para), para in L);
           2             2              2            
          x  - 5 x + 6, x  - 4 x - 21, x  - 19 x + 90

See the help pages on eval and the tilde (elementwise operator) for more background information.

You can query an event and optionally install your own event handler like this:


   WARNING("You must assume the sqrt argument is positive."):
end proc:



For more details, please enter ?NumericEventHandler to open the help page.

If you additionally want sqrt(-5) to return the symbol undefined (as opposed to I*sqrt(5)), just load the RealDomain package. It is not perfect, however: it may not catch every situation where complex numbers arise.

That's right, they are not supported in Maple Flow.

For this particular example, you can get the result by entering 4*~L, however. The tilde operator will take care of mapping.


do you really want to print the tests?

If working interactively in Maple is also an option, take a look at the PracticeSheet command. It's covering several topics (mainly from calculus), and will take care of the randomization.

This is covered by the expand command:


eq := (cosh(zeta+d)-2*sinh(zeta+d))/sinh(zeta+d)



eeq := expand(eq)











One way to obtain these coefficients is as follows:










{b[0] = 27, b[1] = 54, b[2] = 117, b[3] = 116, b[4] = 117, b[5] = 54, b[6] = 27}


assign(sol); # optional step





Please see ?solve,identity for more details.



Yes, the free Maple Player is covering this. It is actually a bit more than a static viewer; please see the description. All mainstream platforms (Windows, Linux, macOS) are supported.

If I understand that correctly, you can prescribe some k<>0, and then search for the remaining variables:

k := 17:
eqn := (x+a)*(x+b)*(x+c)*(x+d)+k = 0;
sol := isolve(eqn);
eval(sol, _Z1=-4); # plug in any integer for _Z1
eval(eqn, %); # check eqn

Is that what you meant?

Maple is trying to tell you that the input framed in red does not make sense syntactically.

You need to insert a statement separator (colon or semicolon) at the end of the first assignment in the loop.

Next time, please upload a worksheet, as opposed to a screenshot.

[It seems that you had edited your question while I wrote my reply.]

I can only comment on the technical aspects. For purchasing the upgrade, please contact the sales department (or the reseller for India, I guess).

Like all toolboxes, the QCT requires the same Maple version it was made for. In particular, QCT 2023 will only work with Maple 2023 - and I vaguely guess that's what you are asking about...

In Maple 2023, you can tackle some of them with new (or newly documented) int option method=Pseudoelliptic (see ?updates,Maple2023,AdvancedMath).

I have not tried to simplify the results, though.

No, it cannot be suppressed. Don't you find it useful?

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