Thomas Richard

Mr. Thomas Richard

3556 Reputation

13 Badges

14 years, 158 days
Maplesoft Europe GmbH
Technical professional in industry or government
Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Thomas Richard

@Hahn Hahn Well, then your worksheet still contains errors in the input. So you need to upload the edited version as well.

I cannot reproduce that; I'm getting -2*b*q+a-c+x instead.

You will need to upload your worksheet; there must be some setting that is not shown in the screenshot.

P.S. you can remove the assume call, it has no effect on differentiation. Apart from that, you have a typo in it. ;-)

@Carl Love Okay, technically not a screenshot, but equally useless in this context.

If you upload your Maple worksheet or post your input as plain text, chances are good that someone will be able to reproduce the problem.

Nobody will type in anything from a screenshot.

@Anthrazit The log4j problem has been solved long ago, and Maple was never affected by a real security hole here. Some (now historical) information can be found in our FAQs. In order to settle remaining concerns, that component was finally removed in Maple 2022.

@sursumCorda That can indeed be found by a non-default method:

int(sqrt(sin(x)), x = Pi/2 .. Pi, method=MeijerG);


@2cUniverse I see, CodeGeneration will not help then.

However, making Maple accessible from the web is not permitted. You will need a MapleNet license instead. Please contact our sales sales department in that case.

@2cUniverse I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly. Did you see our FAQ page on styles?

@acer Futhermore in this context, one should change "Default format for new worksheets" from Document to Worksheet under Tools > Options > Interface.

We have a FAQ page on this topic.

@2cUniverse Here's my worksheet. It has no errors, but there are better implementations provided by others.

Could you post your code (as plain text) or (better) upload your worksheet so that we can reproduce the problem?

It is not clear what "lines" you have in the z plane... but applying plots:-conformal should give good results.

@antoniojpan Please explain what made you think so. If you enter


it will emit the same warning as the sqrt(-5) example above.

@Christopher2222 Yes, it's by design.
For programming, please use the Code Editor in Maple Flow. Backticks will work there just like in Maple.

@tomleslie About observation 1: I guess the OP meant to write

local gamma := 0.935;


@Jaqr Since jogamp is known to make trouble with Maple (and some other applications), you could check if the JVM_OPTIONS line in the maple script (see Maple's bin subdirectory) contains

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