Thomas Richard

Mr. Thomas Richard

3556 Reputation

13 Badges

14 years, 158 days
Maplesoft Europe GmbH
Technical professional in industry or government
Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Thomas Richard

@QM For algebraic expressions such as e1, I would always try evala first. That command is perhaps less popular (or known) as simplify, but it's really powerful in its domain.

@ecterrab Very interesting, thanks!

And I think we need to extend that list by csch = 1/sinh, sech = 1/cosh if we want to cover hyperbolic functions as well, right?

I can't imagine that the problem is due to your hardware; considering the specs I found, an Evo laptop should certainly be powerful enough.

What OS, browser, settings, etc. do you use?

Does it happen with MaplePrimes in general, or with specific pages here?

@delvin It works from Maple 2022 on. Sorry, I didn't check versions before, but you didn't specify your Maple version... ;-)

Here's the output:

ode := -(q2 - q4)*(q2 - q3)*(q1 - q4)*(q1 - q3)*y(w)^2 + (q1 + q2 - q3 - q4)*(2*q1*q2 - q1*q3 - q1*q4 - q2*q3 - q2*q4 + 2*q3*q4)*diff(y(w), w)*y(w) + (-2*q1^2 - 2*q1*q2 + 3*q1*q3 + 3*q1*q4 - 2*q2^2 + 3*q2*q3 + 3*q2*q4 - 6*q3*q4)*diff(y(w), w)^2 + (q1 - q2 + q3 - q4)*(q1 - q2 - q3 + q4)*diff(y(w), w, w)*y(w) + (3*q1 + 3*q2 - 3*q3 - 3*q4)*diff(y(w), w, w)*diff(y(w), w) - 3*diff(y(w), w, w)^2 + (-q1 - q2 + q3 + q4)*diff(y(w), w, w, w)*y(w) + 2*diff(y(w), w, w, w)*diff(y(w), w)

It can be simplified somewhat. But a 3rd order nonlinear ODE is not trivial at all.

@RezaZanjirani Here's a working (but artificial) example of spurious imaginary parts and how to get rid of them:

Digits := 15:
f := ln(-3+z)*cos(z);
                     f := ln(-3 + z) cos(z)

sol := fsolve(f,z,complex);
       sol := 1.57079632679490 + 2.51427481256050 10    I

          1.57079632679490 + 2.51427481256050 10    I

                    1.57079632679490 + 0. I


                              - Pi

Notes: fsolve not returning z=4 here is expected and documented; solve would be better suited for this example

It must be related to the special representation of sol that you gave. If you simply use the more compact result from

sol := dsolve([ode,ic]);

then the odetest call will succeed even with an empty set.

@panke That's too old; we cannot help here, sorry. I have no suggestions besides updating graphics drivers (which you apparently did already).

Current Maple 2022 supports Windows 11, of course.

If it's supported under Windows 11, please contact us (in German) at

I have no time to recreate all the steps here, but if you want to distinguish more cases, you need to insert the AllSolutions option into your very first integral. Don't be scared away by its lengthy output. Assign that to, say, expr0, and then proceed.

Also, I found the definitions of expr1 and expr2 being placed in Startup code somewhat strange style, albeit technically okay.

Finally, for sequential calculations like these, Worksheet mode is more appropriate than Document mode, because single-stepping is easier then.

@mmcdara Thanks for your detailed example, but I think LibraryTools:-Timestamp should be used here. Doesn't that work for you?

What do you need this for?

IMHO, any worksheet content should remain independent of its filename, otherwise one could introduce unwanted side effects. But perhaps I'm missing something here.

If you simply want to access files in the same directory, there's interface(worksheetdir) to find out.

For printing purposes, there's the Insert > Header Footer menu item where you can have the filename displayed.

@Thomas Dean No, I had used


The maplet plot driver is old and limited, and not being used by many people, as far as I can tell. Subtle dependencies on floating-point precision are not uncommon in plotting.

The generic recommendation is to use inline plots.

The first part is very easy; it seems you have edited your question afterwards. Please note that the parentheses have no syntactical meaning here, so Maple deletes them automatically when parsing the input:

L := [(0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 10), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (4, 9), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9), (10, 11), (11, 12), (11, 16), (12, 13), (13, 14), (14, 15), (15, 16)];
n := numelems(L);
S := {seq({L[k],L[k+1]},k=1..n-1,2)};

I'll leave the follow-up questions to others.

@Thomas Dean Using Kubuntu 20.04 here, I can confirm that the maplet plotdevice has trouble with the first plot call. It must be due to hardware floats; increasing Digits to 16 or higher makes the plot appear.

It looks interesting, but please post your Maple code, or upload your Maple worksheet. Then we can try to help.

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