Four 3D printed Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra

From the 2023 Maple Conference Art Gallery

Inspired by the "Regular Polyhedra Visualization Using Schlafi Symbol Notation" Maple Learn document,
the image below contains the four Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra. The polyhedra were graphed in maple,
exported as a DXF file, converted to an STL file, and 3D printed.

The polyhedra can be plotted with the following maple code:

with(geom3d): with(plots): with(plottools): with(DocumentTools:-Canvas):
p := polyhedraplot([0, 0, 0], polytype = GreatIcosahedron, scaling = constrained, orientation = [0, 0]):
display(p, axes = none);

You can change the polytype parameter to change what polyhedron is plotted.
Note: To export as a DXF file, you can right-click on the plot, go to export, and then select DXF


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