3D-Printed Fractal Pendants

From the 2021 Maple Conference Art Gallery

I found a beautiful Maple worksheet on Maple Cloud featuring fractals and turned some of them into
coasters (read the full background story in Julia Coasters). Among them there were the Mandelbrot set
and some beautiful Julia sets that I felt deserved to be showcased. I thought that they would make very
beautiful jewelry pieces, if I could get them laser cut. I didn't know what materials could be used. There
were some strict guidelines against using some plastics in the laser cutter at a local maker space as they
would give off toxic fumes if burned. I couldn't find anything suitable before going to the maker space to
cut the coasters out. But I prepared the files anyway. I am proud to say that the result is a real case of
scrap art. Once there, while one of the members was helping us cut out the coasters, I pulled out a piece
of transparent plastic from a trash bin that was just large enough for my project. It worked out
beautifully. I wanted to paint them. So I rooted through some spray paints I had sitting in my basement.
Among them I found a box with household hazardous waste that one John May from Maplesoft left
behind when he moved to California, asking me to dispose of it properly. I found some silver paint that
worked as expected and some black paint that would only come out in spurts and blobs. I thought it was
perfect to represent the nature of the sets as the collections of points.

p.s. did eventually take the hazardous waste for proper disposal a couple of years ago.

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