The attached worksheet shows a small selection of new and improved results in integration for Maple 2016. Note that integration is a vast topic, so there will always be more improvements that can be made, but be sure that we are working on them.

A selection of new and improved integration results for Maple 2016

New answers in Maple 2016



Indefinite integrals:


int(sqrt(1+sqrt(z-1)), z);



int(arctan((-1+sec(x))^(1/2))*sin(x), x);



int(((1+exp(I*x))^2+(1+exp(-I*x))^2)/(1-2*c*cos(x)+c^2), x);







Definite integrals:

int(arcsin(sin(z)), z=0..1);



int(sqrt(1 - sqrt(1+z)), z=0..1);



int(z/(exp(2*z)+4*exp(z)+10),z = 0 .. infinity);



simplify(int(sinh(a*abs(x-y)), y=0..c, 'method'='FTOC'));

(1/2)*(piecewise(x < 0, 0, 0 <= x, 2*exp(-a*x))+piecewise(x < 0, 0, 0 <= x, -4)+2*piecewise(c <= x, -cosh(a*(-x+c))/a, x < c, (cosh(a*(-x+c))-2)/a)*a-exp(-a*x)+piecewise(x < 0, 0, 0 <= x, 2*exp(a*x))+4-exp(a*x))/a


int(ln(x+y)/(x^2+y), [x=0..infinity, y=0..infinity]);



Definite integrals with assumptions on the parameters:

int(x^(-ln(x)),x=0..b) assuming b > 0;



int(exp(-z)*exp(-I*n*z)*cos(n*z),z = -infinity .. infinity) assuming n::integer;



Integral of symbolic integer powers of sin(x) or cos(x):

int(sin(x)^n,x) assuming n::integer;

` piecewise`(0 < n, -(Sum((Product(1+1/(n-2*j), j = 1 .. i))*sin(x)^(n-2*i-1), i = 0 .. ceil((1/2)*n)-1))*cos(x)/n+(Product(1-1/(n-2*j), j = 0 .. ceil((1/2)*n)-1))*x, n < 0, (Sum((Product(1-1/(n+2*j+1), j = 0 .. i))*sin(x)^(n+2*i+1), i = 0 .. -ceil((1/2)*n)-1))*cos(x)/n+(Product(1+1/(n+2*j-1), j = 1 .. -ceil((1/2)*n)))*ln(csc(x)-cot(x)), x)


int(cos(x)^n,x) assuming n::negint;

-(Sum((Product(1-1/(n+2*j+1), j = 0 .. i))*cos(x)^(n+2*i+1), i = 0 .. -ceil((1/2)*n)-1))*sin(x)/n+(Product(1+1/(n+2*j-1), j = 1 .. -ceil((1/2)*n)))*ln(sec(x)+tan(x))


int(cos(x)^n,x) assuming n::posint;

(Sum((Product(1+1/(n-2*j), j = 1 .. i))*cos(x)^(n-2*i-1), i = 0 .. ceil((1/2)*n)-1))*sin(x)/n+(Product(1-1/(n-2*j), j = 0 .. ceil((1/2)*n)-1))*x


Improved answers in Maple 2016


int(sqrt(1+sqrt(x)), x);



int(sqrt(1+sqrt(1+z)), z= 0..1);



int(signum(z^k)*exp(-z^2), z=-infinity..infinity) assuming k::real;



int(2*abs(sin(x*p)*sin(x)), x = 0 .. Pi) assuming p> 1;



int(1/(x^4-x+1), x = 0 .. infinity);

-(sum(ln(-_R)/(4*_R^3-1), _R = RootOf(_Z^4-_Z+1)))


In Maple 2016, this multiple integral is computed over 3 times faster than it was in Maple 2015.

int(exp(abs(x1-x2))*exp(abs(x1-x3))*exp(abs(x3-x4))*exp(abs(x4-x2)), [x1=0..R, x2=0..R, x3=0..R, x4=0..R], AllSolutions) assuming R>0;



Austin Roche
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

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