I always have problems to simplify some complicated expressions to simpler ones. Here is an example of those: > A := exp(w*a)*w^2*epsilon1*epsilon2+exp(w*a)*w*epsilon1*s2-exp(-w*a)*w^2*epsilon1*epsilon2+w*s2*epsilon1*exp(-w*a)+exp(-w*a)*s1*epsilon2*w-s2*s1*exp(-w*a)+s1*exp(w*a)*epsilon2*w+s1*exp(w*a)*s2; > B := (w*epsilon1*((1+exp(2*w*a))*s2+(-1+exp(2*w*a))*w*epsilon2)+s1*((-1+exp(2*w*a))*s2+(1+exp(2*w*a))*w*epsilon2))*exp(-w*a); > simplify(A-B); 0 Obviously A=B. But I do not know how to get B from A directly (not by subtraction btw them). Are there any commands that do this kind of jobs effectively?

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