A collaborative travel guide for the mathematical tourist: A passion for math, science, and technology is a common denominator for most of us in the Primes community. We are also global in scope with representation from all corners of our planet. In addition, many of us have vocations that take us to other lands or welcome like-minded visitors from far away places. The purpose of this book is to compile a comprehensive travel guide for those who have a unique passion for the high scientific arts. I suspect that most of us would get additional pleasure in visiting the Greek island of Samos because it was the home of Pythagoras and not just a place with great beaches. There must be countless unique spots around the world that only a math or science nerd would truly appreciate. Let's find out where they are!
  • Types of places: Any and all categories. Institutions, museums, book shoppes, squares and monuments, cafe's, cemetaries, etc. etc.
  • Level of detail: More detail is better. Addresses, photos, directions, phone numbers, Web links, etc. Also, we want your personal impressions, stories, experiences.
  • How to post and comment: First, check to see if your country of interest is listed. If it is not, then you need to create one via "Add child page". If it is follow it and then see if your specific location is already there. If it is not, add it as a new child page otherwise select it and add it as a new comment. In general, we encourage you to add to existing content as well as creating new entries. There must be thousands of inspiring sites in London, Beijing, San Francisco, Cairo, ...
  • Editing: You can edit your own or if you've noticed a mistake or another's post needs updating easiest is for you to enter a comment. Depending on the nature of the comment the original author or a moderator may make appropriate adjustments.
Happy travels! Tom 4, your MaplePrimes Travel Editor

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