Grid Computing Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Grid Computing

Is possible to operate Grid Computing Toolbox together with Maple on one local multicore machine?

If yes, what is the proper instalation/configuration procedure on Windows or Linux?

Hi everyone,

For my first question, I am looking for some help about the following. I have the opportunity to run a worksheet in parallel on a cluster of sixteen workstations, each one endowed with twelve CPUs, through the GRID Computing Toolbox. However, I have troubles concerning how to do that.

I join the worksheet at issue: The aim is to run large-scale numerical simulations of a dynamic system, depending on the values given to the initial conditions and to the parameters. The worksheet is organized in four execution groups:

  1. The required packages (combinat and LinearAlgebra).
  2. Calibration of the parameters and initial conditions.
  3. The system, which is embedded into a procedure called SIM.
  4. The activation of SIM, whose outputs are nine .mla files, each one being made of a real-number matrix.

The truth is, I do not clearly see how to modify the worksheet with some elements of the GRID package. Besides, the cluster operates under HTCondor so that running the worksheet requires beforehand the creation of a .sub file. This should be done in consistency with the aforesaid modification.

Any help is welcome, thanks a lot.

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