Maple 9.5 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 9.5

Before answering, Please Note,

Do not suggest I use

maple <filename.maple>

The conversion in maple to convert an ".mw" file in xmaple for a text file to be executed with

maple command

does not work and I therefore need a way to execute and operate a ".mw" workksheet straight in terminal without the need for X.

This is a Linux based question.

I have batches of about 50 maple processes that I run in parallel accross several 32-core and 64-core servers.
I am not using the built in spawning process commands, but rather run a new instance of maple.

Some of these batches need to be developed in xmaple it is just not feasable to do it in a text editor to be executed by "maple"


Is there any switches in maple that I can run a ".mw" maple file as a terminal operation without starting the interface ?

e.g. how can I run

xmaple <mystery switches>   such that the interface doesnt load but the file is executed completely in terminal without the need for X.



I would like to instal Maple 9.5 in my laptop, once I already have some few programs for his version. I don't know how much cost Maple 9.5, and how do download it. 

I live in Brazil.

Thanks in advance.




U[t, t]-U[t, t, x, x]-(aU[]-b*U[]^3)[x, x] = 0

hi friends

i have a problem in maple with an error


for i from 0 to 1000 do;
X[i]:=rhs(NsT[C1]); Vx[i]:=rhs(NsT[V1]);
Y[i]:=rhs(NsT[C2]); Vy[i]:=rhs(NsT[V2]);
Z[i]:=rhs(NsT[C3]); Vz[i]:=rhs(NsT[V3]);
KepVec[i]:=convert(crossprod([X[i],Y[i], Z[i]],[Vx[i],Vy[i], Vz[i]]),list);


but i see:

Error, invalid input: seq expects 2 arguments, but received 4

can you helpe me?


hi friends

i have a problem in maple with an error

> Us:=subs(G=1,m=1,L=1,U):
> D2r:=[diff(x(t),t,t),diff(y(t),t,t),diff(z(t),t,t)]:
> g:=subs(x=x(t),y=y(t),z=z(t),grad(Us,[x,y,z])):
> IniC:=x(0)=1,D(x)(0)=0,y(0)=0,D(y)(0)=1,z(0)=3/4,D(z)(0)=0:
> Ns:=dsolve({seq(D2r[i]=g[i],i=1..3),IniC},{x(t),y(t),z(t)},numeric);

after this i see :

Error, (in f) unable to store 'grad(U, [1., 0., .750000000000000000])[1]' when datatype=float[8] 

meaning it can only store 8 byte hardware floats.
Is this statement true? And how can i solve this problem? Or could/should i use a different data type?

Thanks for your time

Best regards

This is the simplest method to explain numerically solving an ODE, more precisely, an IVP.

Using the method, to get a fell for numerics as well as for the nature of IVPs, solve the IVP numerically with a PC, 10steps.

Graph the computed values and the solution curve on the same coordinate axes.


y'=(y-x)^2, y(0)=0 , h=0.1

Sol. y=x-tanh(x)


I don't know well maple. 

I study Advanced Engineering Math and using maple, but i am stopped in this test.

I want to know how solve this problem.

please teach me~ 

IT IS EULER's method

Hi there. I'm Student

i want to know how solve this problem.

please teach me! 

y'=(y-x)^2, y(0)=0, h=0.1


how solve this problem for maple? 

please teach me~

Below is my code:

> restart:
> q:=1.6*10^(-19):e0:=8.85*10^(-12):k:=1.38*10^(-23):t:=300:ni:=1.45*10^(16):eox:=3.9*e0:esi:=11.7*e0:
> tox:=2*10^(-9):tsi:=25*10^(-9):L:=1*10^(-6):cox:=(eox/tox):csi:=esi/tsi:a:=sqrt(q^2*ni/(2*k*t*esi)):V:=0:vgs:=2:u:=0.04:
> mm:=(cos((q*cox*(vgs-psi11)/(esi*k*t*a))*(exp(q*(V-psi11)/(2*k*t))))-((2*q*cox*(vgs-psi11)/(esi*k*t*a^2*(tsi)))*(exp(-q*(psi11-V)/(k*t))))):
> psi1:=solve(mm=0,psi11);
psi1 := 0.5434311697 - 0.003168514913 I
> mm:=(cos((q*cox*(vgs-psi22)/(esi*k*t*a))*(exp(q*(vds-psi22)/(2*k*t))))-((2*q*cox*(vgs-psi22)/(esi*k*t*a^2*(tsi)))*(exp(-q*(psi22-vds)/(k*t))))):
> qq2:=seq(solve(mm=0,psi22),vds=[0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,2]):
> psi2:=(vector([qq2]));vds:=[0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,2]:
psi2 := [0.5434311697 - 0.003168514913 I, 0.6398902333 - 0.003560933110 I,

0.7360983262 - 0.003949922699 I, 0.8586260376, 0.9544714953, 1.066786341,

1.145104060, 1.239782678, 1.333965608, 1.427671475, 1.521739902,

1.612717888 + 0.004670871971 I, 1.699606898 + 0.007295737134 I,

1.782802467 - 0.009645080463 I, 1.913366188, 1.969622161, 1.996631837,

1.999909512, 1.999998089, 1.999999960, 1.999999999]
> for i from 1 to 21 do
> Qgg[i] := Re( tsi*cox*L*(1/6*psi2[i]^3-1/2*psi2[i]^2-1/2*psi2[i]^2*vgs-1/2*psi2[i]^2*k*t/q+1/2*psi2[i]*vgs^2+psi2[i]*k*t*vgs/q+psi2[i]*vgs-8*psi2[i]*esi*k*t/(q*tsi*cox)-64*esi^2*k^2*t^2*ln(-8*esi*k*t-q*tsi*cox*vgs+q*tsi*cox*psi2[i])/(q^2*tsi^2*cox^2)-1/6*psi1^3+1/2*psi1^2+1/2*psi1^2*vgs+1/2*psi1^2*k*t/q-1/2*psi1*vgs^2-psi1*k*t*vgs/q-psi1*vgs+8*psi1*esi*k*t/(q*tsi*cox)+64*esi^2*k^2*t^2*ln(-8*esi*k*t-q*tsi*cox*vgs+q*tsi*cox*psi1)/(q^2*tsi^2*cox^2))/(k*t*(vg-psi2[i])/q+1/8*(vgs-psi2[i])^2+4*k^2*t^2*esi*ln(cox(vgs-psi2[i])+8*k*t*esi/(q*tsi))/(q^2*tsi*cox)-k*t*(vg-psi1)/q-1/8*(vgs-psi1)^2-4*k^2*t^2*esi*ln(cox(vgs-psi1)+8*k*t*esi/(q*tsi))/(q^2*tsi*cox)));
> end do:
> Qg:=simplify((Qgg));
/[ -15
Qg := TABLE\[1 = Float(infinity), 2 = -2.726896811 10 ,

-15 -15 -15
3 = -2.681258392 10 , 5 = -2.579829239 10 , 4 = -2.623431373 10 ,

-15 -15 -15
7 = -2.495397349 10 , 6 = -2.529657206 10 , 10 = -2.378078479 10 ,

-15 -15 -15
11 = -2.341729539 10 , 8 = -2.454901580 10 , 9 = -2.415751244 10 ,

-15 -15 -15
15 = -2.212746094 10 , 14 = -2.250797897 10 , 13 = -2.277803789 10 ,

-15 -15 -15
12 = -2.308132152 10 , 21 = -2.192572935 10 , 20 = -2.192572943 10 ,

-15 -15 -15
16 = -2.198907782 10 , 17 = -2.193213670 10 , 18 = -2.192589892 10 ,

19 = -2.192573293 10 ]/


i have to plot Qg with respect to vds. the value of Qg are stored in a table which have mixed entries. also please suggest how can i set the x-axis of the plot in decimal notation?



I need program of multiple shooting method with maple or algorithm?

Thanks alot.

Hello, I'm new to Maple.
when I write:


Maple gives me no output.
Can somebody help me, what I'm doing wrong? (Maple 9.5)
Thank you for your help! 

Dear all,

how to convert a maple graphic  created from a symbolic expression to spreadsheet?
Por example, after the command:

plot(2*x+1, x=0..4);

I vould like to get the data points calculated by Maple to generate this graph. If possible, inside a spreadsheet in order to redraw these data with Excell to get a better figure aspect...

Thank you.

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