Maple 2017 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2017

Maple does not evaluate

>Re( (2-I*X)^4) ),  assuming((X, realcons)


>assume(X, realcons);

> Re( (2-I*X)^4) );

Why do these simple expression return unevealuated?



I want to apply a rule to simplify an expression. The applyrule command works, when used directly in the worksheet. When I try to use the command within a procedure, Maple throws an error I cannot decipher:

Error, (in PatternMatching:-AlgStruct:-InsertPattern) first operand of `::' must be a name


Here is a full demonstration worksheet:








rmabssq := proc(inexp)
description "removes the abs^2 construct in an expression":
local ruleabssqared1,ruleabssqared2,outexp:
    ruleabssqared1:= abs(''a''::algebraic)^2= ''a''^2:
    ruleabssqared2:= abs('expand'(-''a'')::algebraic)^2= ''a'':
    outexp:= applyrule([ruleabssqared1,ruleabssqared2],inexp):
    return outexp:
end proc;

proc (inexp) local ruleabssqared1, ruleabssqared2, outexp; description "removes the abs^2 construct in an expression"; ruleabssqared1 := abs(''a''::algebraic)^2 = ''a''^2; ruleabssqared2 := abs((('expand')(-''a''))::algebraic)^2 = ''a''; outexp := applyrule([ruleabssqared1, ruleabssqared2], inexp); return outexp end proc


## does not work :(

Error, (in PatternMatching:-AlgStruct:-InsertPattern) first operand of `::' must be a name


## works!
ruleabssqared1:= abs(''a''::algebraic)^2= ''a''^2:
ruleabssqared2:= abs('expand'(-''a'')::algebraic)^2= ''a'':
newexp:= applyrule([ruleabssqared1,ruleabssqared2],anexp);






Thanks for your help

[[1000, 20], [2000, 25], [3000, 24], [4000, 23], [5000, 24]];
  [[1000, 20], [2000, 25], [3000, 24], [4000, 23], [5000, 24]]
data1 := [[1000, 20], [2000, 21], [3000, 32], [4000, 23], [5000, 23]]; 'data1';
                        3      2          
                     a x  + b x  + c x + d
Equn1 := CurveFitting[LeastSquares]([[1000, 20], [2000, 25], [3000, 24], [4000, 23], [5000, 24]], x, curve = a*x^3+b*x^2+c*x+d);
plot(Equn1,x= 1000..5000)


Least Squares Approximation



Calculate a least squares approximation using specified data points.



Theoretical Curves for the Two-Stroke Engines and Four-Stroke Engines Brake Power Vs Brake Efficiency

List of Data Points:

[[1000, 20], [2000, 25], [3000, 24], [4000, 23], [5000, 24]]

[[1000, 20], [2000, 25], [3000, 24], [4000, 23], [5000, 24]]


data1 := [[1000, 20], [2000, 21], [3000, 32], [4000, 23], [5000, 23]]; 'data1'



Fitting Curve:




Independent Variable:




Least Squares Curve:

Equn1 := CurveFitting[LeastSquares]([[1000, 20], [2000, 25], [3000, 24], [4000, 23], [5000, 24]], x, curve = a*x^3+b*x^2+c*x+d)

plot(Equn1,x= 1000..5000)











Least Squares Fit of Data by a Specified Curve

List of Data Points:

[[3, -1], [5, 3], [6, -7], [7, 5], [9, -2]]

[[3, -1], [5, 3], [6, -7], [7, 5], [9, -2]]


Fitting Curve:




Independent Variable:




Least Squares Curve:

CurveFitting[LeastSquares]([[3, -1], [5, 3], [6, -7], [7, 5], [9, -2]], x, curve = a*x^2+b*x+c)







plot(sin(x), x = 0 .. 4*Pi)





The above command plots one curve alright. I want four such curves to go in the same figure using command like


I am not getting by the above command what I want. Can any one help. A shortcut method is required for me to repeat many times.

Thanks for help.

Ramakrishnav V

First at all, congratulation for the new update Maple 2017!!.                                        I'm a personal developer about renewable energy hybrid systems models. It is possible get data about irradiance or wind speed from the new world maps?. It will be very interesting!!!                                                                                   Thanks!!!!

Maple 2017 has launched!

Maple 2017 is the result of hard work by an enthusiastic team of developers and mathematicians.

As ever, we’re guided by you, our users. Many of the new features are of a result of your feedback, while others are passion projects that we feel you will find value in.

Here’s a few of my favourite enhancements. There’s far more that’s new - see What’s New in Maple 2017 to learn more.


MapleCloud Package Manager

Since it was first introduced in Maple 14, the MapleCloud has made thousands of Maple documents and interactive applications available through a web interface.

Maple 2017 completely refreshes the MapleCloud experience. Allied with a new, crisp, interface, you can now download and install user-created packages.

Simply open the MapleCloud interface from within Maple, and a mouse click later, you see a list of user-created packages, continuously updated via the Internet. Two clicks later, you’ve downloaded and installed a package.

This completely bypasses the traditional process of searching for and downloading a package, copying to the right folder, and then modifying libname in Maple. That was a laborious process, and, unless I was motivated, stopped me from installing packages.

The MapleCloud hosts a growing number of packages.

Many regular visitors to MaplePrimes are already familiar with Sergey Moiseev’s DirectSearch package for optimization, equation solving and curve fitting.

My fellow product manager, @DSkoog has written a package for grouping data into similar clusters (called ClusterAnalysis on the Package Manager)

Here’s a sample from a package I hacked together for downloading maps images using the Google Maps API (it’s called Google Maps and Geocoding on the Package Manager).

You’ll also find user-developed packages for exploring AES-based encryption, orthogonal series expansions, building Maple shell scripts and more.

Simply by making the process of finding and installing packages trivially easy, we’ve opened up a new world of functionality to users.

Maple 2017 also offers a simple method for package authors to upload workbook-based packages to the MapleCloud.

We’re engaging with many package authors to add to the growing list of packages on the MapleCloud. We’d be interested in seeing your packages, too!


Advanced Math

We’re committed to continually improving the core symbolic math routines. Here area few examples of what to expect in Maple 2017.

Resulting from enhancements to the Risch algorithm, Maple 2017 now computes symbolic integrals that were previously intractable

Groeber:-Basis uses a new implementation of the FGLM algorithm. The example below runs about 200 times faster in Maple 2017.

gcdex now uses a sparse primitive polynomial remainder sequence together.  For sparse structured problems the new routine is orders of magnitude faster. The example below was previously intractable.

The asympt and limit commands can now handle asymptotic cases of the incomplete Γ function where both arguments tend to infinity and their quotient remains finite.

Among several improvements in mathematical functions, you can now calculate and manipulate the four multi-parameter Appell functions.


Appel functions are of increasing importance in quantum mechanics, molecular physics, and general relativity.

pdsolve has seen many enhancements. For example, you can tell Maple that a dependent variable is bounded. This has the potential of simplifying the form of a solution.


Plot Builder

Plotting is probably the most common application of Maple, and for many years, you’ve been able to create these plots without using commands, if you want to.  Now, the re-designed interactive Plot Builder makes this process easier and better.

When invoked by a context menu or command on an expression or function, a panel slides out from the right-hand side of the interface.


Generating and customizing plots takes a single mouse click. You alter plot types, change formatting options on the fly and more.

To help you better learn Maple syntax, you can also display the actual plot command.

Password Protected Content

You can distribute password-protected executable content. This feature uses the workbook file format introduced with Maple 2016.

You can lock down any worksheet in a Workbook. But from any other worksheet, you can send (author-specified) parameters into the locked worksheet, and extract (author-specified) results.


Plot Annotations

You can now get information to pop up when you hover over a point or a curve on a plot.

In this application, you see the location and magnitude of an earthquake when you hover over a point

Here’s a ternary diagram of the color of gold-silver-copper alloys. If you let your mouse hover over the points, you see the composition of the points

Plot annotations may seem like a small feature, but they add an extra layer of depth to your visualizations. I’ve started using them all the time!


Engineering Portal

In my experience, if you ask an engineer how they prefer to learn, the vast majority of them will say “show me an example”. The significantly updated Maple Portal for Engineers does just that, incorporating many more examples and sample applications.  In fact, it has a whole new Application Gallery containing dozens of applications that solve concrete problems from different branches of engineering while illustrating important Maple techniques.

Designed as a starting point for engineers using Maple, the Portal also includes information on math and programming, interface features for managing your projects, data analysis and visualization tools, working with physical and scientific data, and a variety of specialized topics.


Geographic Data

You can now generate and customize world maps. This for example, is a choropleth of European fertility rates (lighter colors indicate lower fertility rates)

You can plot great circles that show the shortest path between two locations, show varying levels of detail on the map, and even experiment with map projections.

A new geographic database contains over one million locations, cross-referenced with their longitude, latitude, political designation and population.

The database is tightly linked to the mapping tools. Here, we ask Maple to plot the location of country capitals with a population of greater than 8 million and a longitude lower than 30.


There’s much more to Maple 2017. It’s a deep, rich release that has something for everyone.

Visit What’s New in Maple 2017 to learn more.

When Maple 2017?. Are there anybody about the new features of this version?. I,m waiting for a special project.

hello dear,

I was intersted in finding Weyl scalars for a given metric, would be really helpful if anyone can give me an example of how to find a Weyl Scalar for a given metric or set of null tetrads using Debever formalism in Tensor package(more specifically, how to define h in debever formalism for a given set of null tetrad or for a given metric).


Just starting some work on numerical engineering solutions by going through a workbook, which includes a Maple Document on CD (with one and several .mws files).

As I don't have acces to a Maple system, I downloaded Maple Player. However - Maple Player will only accept .mw and .mwz files(at least that shows up on 'FILE>OPEN'); so trying to open an .mws file results in - NOTHING. In your forum I found some information that .mwz is a nonpublic Maple format !?...... Now I don't see a way to work with PLAYER. Isn't PLAYER meant for exactly that scenario - sharing MAPLE worksheets ?

So - what to do ?

Thanks for some hint,







Can anyone please suggest a way to set the zoom factor for a 3D plot from the plot commands or using DocumentTools or in some other way that doesn't involve the interactive tools?

What I'm trying to achieve is the following:

I'm developing MapleCloud worksheets for a course I'm teaching and want to give my students several 3D plots to interact with through their web browser.  When I make the plots, Maple determines the scaling so that boxed axes with labels will fit in the area of the plot component.  However, I'm making plots with axes=none that look better at a higher zoom factor (the corners of the unseen boxed axes would be out of the plot area but all the plot components still fit) and I'm keen to create the plots that look like this if possible.

My ideal solution would be for there to be a zoomfactor option for the plots[display] command or to be able to use some code like SetProperty("Plot0",zoomfactor,1.25) but I haven't been able to find a way to achieve this.  The closest I found was setting the viewpoint option, but that locked the view, preventing rotation, and I want to just set the initial view.  Is there some other method I haven't found?

Thank you for your help,




I downloaded Maple Player, and I don't know how can I use it resolve Maths problems. Kindly, could you explain to me the procedure I shall follow for the reason to use it?

i have an application of emmbeded components i will like to know if i can create a stand alone exececutable using maple player

I have been unable to successfully open a text file for writing in MAPLEPLAYER, whether it is requested in the startup code section or via a document tools button.  Is there a way to write to a file in MAPLEPLAYER?  It returns a "no write access" statement.

The write works perfectly in MAPLE 2015.1


I have created and saved a MAPLE module in an .mla archive. The module contains three procedures A, B, C, where

A calls, B and C.  

Once the module library has been loaded, A acccepts inputs and generates outputs.

Is it possible to create a MAPLE player worksheet which calls the module and share it with a Maple Player (only) user, so that they can then supply the inputs and observe the outputs from A using the Maple Player programme components?

Can anyone help?





Maple 18 and MapleNet 2015.

Show/Hide Contents allows one to hide certain elements of the worksheet. Is there a way settings there (or somewhere) can be locked so that another user is prevented from seeing certain elements of the worksheet?

Rationale: As an example: I'd like my students to use Maple Player to interact with a worksheet, using Maple Component GUI elemnts. I do not want them to see all the code behind that, and in fact explicitly want to rule them seeing some function definitions. I can hide "input, output" when I create the document, but under "View" in Maple Player, the intrepid student could always unhide that and see the code.

I'm using Maple Player 2105, Maple 18 and exploring using Maple/MapleNet/MaplePlayer for education. 

Is the following correct? In order for a my students to access a Maplet, they would need a full version of Maple installed on their system (Maple Player would not be enough) I couldnt get Maplets to work with Maple Player, but maybe that's just me.

(I do not have the $ at the moment to go the MapleNet route)

Thanks for your help,



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