Maple 7 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 7

how i can simplify

in code

taylor(f(x), x = gamma, 8);
f(x[n]) := subs([x-gamma = e[n], f(gamma) = 0, seq(((D@@k)(f))(gamma) = factorial(k)*c[k]*(D(f))(gamma), k = 1 .. 1000)], %);

1 2
f(gamma) + D(f)(gamma) (x - gamma) + - @@(D, 2)(f)(gamma) (x - gamma)

1 3 1 4
+ - @@(D, 3)(f)(gamma) (x - gamma) + -- @@(D, 4)(f)(gamma) (x - gamma)
6 24

1 5 1 6
+ --- @@(D, 5)(f)(gamma) (x - gamma) + --- @@(D, 6)(f)(gamma) (x - gamma)
120 720

1 7 / 8\
+ ---- @@(D, 7)(f)(gamma) (x - gamma) + O\(x - gamma) /
2 3
c[1] D(f)(gamma) e[n] + c[2] D(f)(gamma) e[n] + c[3] D(f)(gamma) e[n]

4 5 6
+ c[4] D(f)(gamma) e[n] + c[5] D(f)(gamma) e[n] + c[6] D(f)(gamma) e[n]

7 / 8\
+ c[7] D(f)(gamma) e[n] + O\e[n] /

taylor(D(f)(x), x = gamma, 8);
Df(x[n]) := subs([x-gamma = e[n], f(gamma) = 0, seq(((D@@k)(f))(gamma) = factorial(k)*c[k]*(D(f))(gamma), k = 2 .. 1000)], %);

D(f)(gamma) + @@(D, 2)(f)(gamma) (x - gamma)

1 2 1 3
+ - @@(D, 3)(f)(gamma) (x - gamma) + - @@(D, 4)(f)(gamma) (x - gamma)
2 6

1 4 1 5
+ -- @@(D, 5)(f)(gamma) (x - gamma) + --- @@(D, 6)(f)(gamma) (x - gamma)
24 120

1 6
+ --- @@(D, 7)(f)(gamma) (x - gamma)

1 7 / 8\
+ ---- @@(D, 8)(f)(gamma) (x - gamma) + O\(x - gamma) /
D(f)(gamma) + 2 c[2] D(f)(gamma) e[n] + 3 c[3] D(f)(gamma) e[n]

3 4
+ 4 c[4] D(f)(gamma) e[n] + 5 c[5] D(f)(gamma) e[n]

5 6
+ 6 c[6] D(f)(gamma) e[n] + 7 c[7] D(f)(gamma) e[n]

7 / 8\
+ 8 c[8] D(f)(gamma) e[n] + O\e[n] /

this last term did not use f(x[n]) value from above to solve it. plxx help if any one can solve it...

how i can find order of convergence of newton method by expanding taylor series?? plz send me code???




    The following code displays values of the subscripted variables slf[], a positive integer, and a string variable filler[] which is just a set of spaces depending on how big the corresponding value of slf[] s.  This is to make the printout lined up nicely.  

printf("%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d%s%d\n", filler[1],slf[1],filler[2],slf[2],filler[3],slf[3],filler[4],slf[4],filler[5],slf[5],filler[6],slf[6],filler[7],slf[7],filler[8],slf[8],filler[9],slf[9],filler[10],slf[10]);

   This works fine,but thought there might be a better way.  I tried:


but this came up with an error message.  Is there  a way of doing this more efficiently?

thanks,   David 



i asked it to show explanations

and got an solution about that, but it doesnt work in my Maple

i wanna know what do i wrong , why it`s not working right


whenever i use maplesoft, i`m wondering about the instruction which is to show me the explanation about answers.

Maplesofte must be worked by some principles , therefore it can show the explanation of any answers to users

please let me know what is the instruction that i can watch explanations.


for example /

> int(f(x)*g(x),x);

sin(x) - x cos(x) - 1/2 cos(x) sin(x) + 1/2 x

 how can it get an answer, i wanna see that




for a from 3 to 30 do

   for b from 23 to 30 do

       for k from b to 30 do

         for d from 4 to 30 do

            for e from 10 to 30 do

  big:=max(sqrt(a^2+b^2), sqrt(k^2+d^2), b+k,e,d+e-a):

  small:=min(sqrt(a^2+b^2), sqrt(k^2+d^2), b+k,e,d+e-a):

I tried to write a procedure for the first time and it worked good. But I still have problems:

1. the coordinates of the point "p"
Is it possible to mix text with variables like: "The balance point is: xs:",xs,"/ys:",ys
                        or "The balance point is [xs,ys]=",p

2. use of "y" after procedure has processed
I declared the variables of the...


I'm using Maple 7 and got a question:

I've got the function y

y:=x->(x)^0.5; ug:=0; og:=10;




How do I create a point with the coordinates [xs,ys] and plot it with the function y in one graphic?

I'm using plot(y(x),x=ug..og); to plot the function y.

Thanks for your help!


The sample code below generates a message: Error, too many levels of recursion.  It appears to be in the permute function, and seems to be related to variable names I have in my program.  The "error" is intermittent - it appears to work for some but not others eg  aaa:=permute([a,e,i,l,z], mm); does not work but aaa:=permute([e,e,k,n,s], mm); does.  I suspect that it is not liking some variable names in my program.  Any hints or suggestions much appreciated.

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