Question: details about eps export

> restart: with(plots):

> plotopts:="portrait,color,noborder,leftmargin=0,bottommargin=0,width=5cm,height=12cm":
> plotsetup(eps, plotoutput="test.eps", plotoptions=plotopts):
> plot(x^2,x=-5..5);

> plotopts:="portrait,color,leftmargin=0,bottommargin=0,width=5cm,height=12cm":
> plotsetup(eps, plotoutput="test_.eps", plotoptions=plotopts):
> plot(x^2,x=-5..5);


this creates two files, test.eps and test_.eps. the first one has no border, but a bit of the right side is missing. the second one has a border, except at the top.

why is that? are there more options to fine-tune this? this feature appears a bit immature. i use maple 13. 

what i want: no border but the full image displayed. i guess i could achieve that by processing the .eps file after export, but i'd like as few a possible steps in my workflow.

an explanation of the reasons for the problem would probably already go a long way towards solving it. 

cannot add tags: eps border noborder, but need to enter a tag? well, a generic "export problem" it will be.

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