Question: Maple doesn't make a plot or give a function

Hi all,

I need to find a specific temperature which I named T2 to cross the zeroline in a plot but maple doesn't plot or give a solution at all. I'm very confused and also new with this software.

My code is as follows:

R = 8.314472;
> A = 1.935;
> B = 36.915*E-3;
> C = -11.402*E-6;
> P2 = 10*10^5;
> P1 = 101300;
> T1=365;
> Tc=425.1;
> Tw=T2/T1;
> Pc = 37.96*10^5;
> Pr1=P1/Pc;
> Pr2=P2/Pc;
> Cp=R*(A*ln(Tw)+(((B*T1)+((C*T1^2)*((Tw+1)/2)))*(Tw-1)));
> Tr1=T1/Tc;
> Tr2=T2/Tc;
> O=0.2;
> drB02=0.675/(Tr2)^2.6;
> drB12=0.722/(Tr2)^5.2;
> Sr2=R*(-Pr2*(drB02+O*drB12));
> DeltaS=(Cp*ln(Tw))-R*ln(P2/P1)+Sr2-16.222;
> plot(DeltaS,T2 = 0..1000);


I get the following error:

plotting error, empty plot

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