Question: Solving system of symbolic equations for symbolic solutions


I need to solve the following system of equations:

eq1 := (vi-vg)/Z0 - (vg-vs)/Z1-(vg-vd)/Z2;

eq2 := vs - [(vg-vs)/Z1 + gm*(vg-vs) + (vd-vs)/r0]*Z3;

eq3 := (vg-vd)/Z2 - gm*(vg-vs) - (vd-vs)/r0 -vd/Z4;

I am expecting the solutions for vg, vs, vd, so the following command was used:


but it kept giving me the warning message of: Warning, solutions may have been lost ...

I'm wondering whether Maple is capable of solving such equations? and how?


Thanks for looking into this question!



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