Question: 2nd argument error

Hi everyone,

I tried to solve the following system of equations with Maple 15:

You can copy paste the commands below to get the equations
pde1 := [diff(`#msub(mi("n"),mo("&uminus0;"))`(x, t), t) =
diff(`#msub(mi("n"),mo("&uminus0;"))`(x, t), x)+n[o](x, t)-`#msub(mi("n"),mo("&uminus0;"))`(x, t)]


pde2 := [diff(n[o](x, t), t) = 0.3139e-2*(diff(n[o](x, t), x, x))-2*n[o](x, t)+`#msub(mi("n"),mo("+"))`(x, t)+`#msub(mi("n"),mo("&uminus0;"))`(x, t)]


pde3 := [diff(`#msub(mi("n"),mo("+"))`(x, t), t) = -(diff(`#msub(mi("n"),mo("+"))`(x, t), x))+n[o](x, t)-`#msub(mi("n"),mo("+"))`(x, t)]


ibc := `#msub(mi("n"),mo("&uminus0;"))`(x, 0) = 0, n[o](x, 0) = 0, `#msub(mi("n"),mo("+"))`(x, 0) = 0, `#msub(mi("n"),mo("&uminus0;"))`(10000000, t) = 0, n[o](0, t) = 0, n[o](1000000, t) = 0, `#msub(mi("n"),mo("+"))`(0, t) = 1-Heaviside(t-.1)


sol := pdsolve({pde1, pde2, pde3}, ibc, numeric, time = t, range = 0 .. 100)

I got this error when I tried to solve the equations
Error, (in pdsolve) invalid input: `pdsolve/numeric` expects its 2nd argument, IBCs,
to be of type {set, list}, but received `#msub(mi("n"),mo("&uminus0;"))`(x, 0) = 0
Is it just the notaion or it's not possible to solve this system in Maple?
Thank you very much.
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