Question: Plotting state space representation of a nonlinear system

I'm am new to maple and am not very familiar with it.

I have a state space represnetaiton (Xdot = AX+Bu  y+CX+Du)of a 3rd order non linear system.

X=[X1; X2; X3]

Xdot=[X1dot; X2dot; X3dot]

A=[0 -1 -1; 1 0.2 0; X3 0 -2.4]

B=[0; 0; 2]

C=[1 0 0]


With initial conditons:

X1(0)=X2(0)=x3(0)=An arbitrary concept of my choice.

I need to plot x1(t) Vs time.

I also need to plot the state trajectories onto the three state planes X2 Vs X1, X3 Vs X2, and X1 Vs X3.

Any help as to how to proceed with this is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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