Question: make 2D math output NOT DISPLAY syle? (i.e. not centered) but left justified

Using Maple 16. In Document mode. Tools->OutputDisplay->2D Math

I want when the output comes out, to be LEFT justified and Not Centered.

The reason is that when I export to Latex, it comes out as

      \[\displaystyle \,{.....

And I do not want the result to be centered. 

I want the math just to be that each equation in the output to start from the 
left edge of the page. So that if I have 3 equations in the output, in my 
latex document, I want them to look like


and not like this


I do not mind if it is centered inside Maple itself, on the screen. I just do not
want it to be centered like the above in Latex export. Otherwise
I have to edit the Latex by hand each time I export the Maple document
to Latex and remove the \[displaystyle Latex code by hand. not good.

I looked at the export options also for Latex, and do not see anything
there. I think if I tell it not to show 2D display as displayed equations this should fix things.

I tried 2D Math notation and also Typeset Notation. They both behave the same.

Any ideas?

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