Question: data in table convert to matrix, they are disorder


My result is complicated, ant it was very large, when I simplified the question, it just as this program.


The main problem is that result in YY is not in order, so the converted result is also disorder, please help me to store the result in order. Thank you!

Y := table([1 = [[115.2, 330, 216.8, 132.1]], 2 = [[226.7, 301.1, 109.5, 198.2]], 5 = [[134.7, 225.1, 313.1, 108.2]], 4 = [[192.1, 260.3, 171.5, 326.5]], 6 = [[226.1, 279.5, 307.2, 116.8]], 3 = [[168.2, 115.3, 169.1, 326.7]]]); YY := Matrix(`~`[op](`~`[op]([entries(Y)])))

Matrix([[115.2, 330, 216.8, 132.1], [226.7, 301.1, 109.5, 198.2], [168.2, 115.3, 169.1, 326.7], [134.7, 225.1, 313.1, 108.2], [192.1, 260.3, 171.5, 326.5], [226.1, 279.5, 307.2, 116.8]])






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