Question: How to integrate exponential integrals in Maple? (Mathematica does the job)


I've been trying to force maple to find a solution of this differential equation:

ode := -((D@@2)(y))(r)-2*y(r)/r+y(r) = (2-V(r))*u[0](r)

dsolve(ode, y(r));


y(r) = r exp(-r) _C2 + (exp(r) + 2 exp(-r) Ei(1, -2 r) r) _C1 - 4 

/ / /
|1 | |
exp(-3 r) |- | |
|2 | |
\ \/

/ 2 \ \
(exp(2 r) + 2 Ei(1, -2 r) r) \2 r - 1/ exp(-2 r) |
------------------------------------------------- dr| exp(2 r)
r |

/ 1 \ |
+ |Ei(1, -2 r) r + - exp(2 r)| (1 + r)| r
\ 2 / |
(sorry, don't know yet how to copy 2-d math into chromium)

As I mentioned in the caption, Mathematica does the job with ease:

eqn = -u''[r] - 2 u[r]/r + u[r] == (4/9 - Exp[-r]/r) 2 r Exp[-r]


DSolve[eqn, u[r], r][[1, 1, 2]] // FullSimplify


1/9 E^(-2 r) (2 - 9 E^(3 r) C[2] +  E^r (-2 + r (-4 + 4 r + 9 C[1]) - 4 r ExpIntegralEi[-r] +   18 r C[2] ExpIntegralEi[2 r] + 4 r Log[2 r]))

Where is the problem, how can I get the same solution using Maple?

Thank you!


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