Question: The fourier transform

Maple gives the fourier transformation:

fourier(int(y^k*exp(-k*x*y/phi+I*y*omega), y = 0 .. infinity), omega, t) as:

2*Pi*t^k*exp(-t*k*x/phi)*piecewise(t < 0, 0, 1)+piecewise(0 < t, -2*Pi*t^k*exp(-t*k*x/phi), 0)

but it is identically 0.

if change the order of integration and integate exp(I*y*omega) first, the transform is equal to

int(Dirac(y-t)*y^k*exp(-k*x*y/phi), y = 0 .. infinity)

which is Heaviside(t)*t^k*exp(-t*k*x/phi)

which one is right?

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