Question: Infinity limits integration Bessel Functions (Maple vs mathematica)

Dear Experts,


Analytical integration is not a choice for the integrals listed here. Hence, Maple is not able to find the numerical integration for the following oscillatory functions. However mathematica can. However, before I take the mathematica results, just need to check with you.

Following link shows that for a diverging series, the (Numerical) integral is finite.




eval(int(r^2 BesselJ(1,r)* BesselJ(0,r), r = 0..infinity)) 



NumberForm[ NIntegrate[BesselJ[0, x]*BesselJ[1, x]*x^2, {x, 0, Infinity},   AccuracyGoal -> 20], 15]

SequenceLimit::seqlim: The general form of the sequence could not be determined, and the result may be incorrect. >>



2)  Maple:
       eval(int(r* BesselJ(0,r), r = 10..infinity)) 



NumberForm[ NIntegrate[BesselJ[0, x]*x, {x, 10, Infinity},   AccuracyGoal -> 20], 15]

SequenceLimit::seqlim: The general form of the sequence could not be determined, and the result may be incorrect. >>



Any conclusions on the result.

a) Why maple not able to evaluate the integrals.  b) Are the result of the Mathematica can be considered as appropriate.


Attached is the maple file for your consideration. 


Lookinf forward to your reply.



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