Question: Output in scientific notation


this question has been asked several times here already accoruding to the search function, but I didn't find an actual answer to it.

My Maple 15 gives outlarge numbers without scientific notation, so even 10^20 would be displayed as 1000....000  (20 zeroes). It seems like this is not the standard, so at one point I might have changed the way Maple displays the output, and cannot remember anymore how.

How can I tell Maple to display the output in scientiffic notation, and how can I set up the threshold of powers of ten, when this is done. (so that e.g. 100 still gets disaplyed as 100, and not as 1*10^2, but anything above gets displayed in scientific notation).

I know that I can right click on the output to change it's display form. But I want to change this generally, so I dont have to do this for any single numerical output I get.

I use Maple 15, running in Mac OS.

Thanks for help!

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