Question: How to write a PDE system in a Weyl Algebra?

I have been struggling (reading Ore/Weyl Algebra documentation) to understand how to input a PDE system with polynomial coeff. in Weyl algebra notation so I can compute a Groebner basis for it. I would be very grateful if someone could  show, using the simple example below, which differential operators in Ore_algebra[diff_algebra] should one declare to express the system in Weyl algebra notation. The systems I'm working are more complicated but all have many dependent variables, f and g functions in this example:

pdesys:= [ x*diff( f(x,y,z),x)- z*diff( g(x,y,z),y) = 0, (x^2-y)*diff( f(x,y,z),z)- y*diff( g(x,y,z),z) = 0 ]

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