Question: How to get rid of a constant?

I need to get rid of the type "constant" for gamma. In Maple, gamma is defined as Euler's constant by default. While it is easy enough to unprotect(gamma) and then get rid of its value, Maple will refuse to solve an equation for gamma, as it remains of type constant even after deassigning it. So I need to regain gamma as a variable.

Some may feel this is an unwise thing to do. But it actually is not: I am writing a document involving physics, and gamma is the accepted symbol for the relativistic energy. I cannot avoid using that, lest mass confusion ensues (this involves students). I really don't want to write gammar instead. Euler's constant, otoh, does not figure at all in my document.

Note that I need a solution that works in Maple 15 and later as I am working in a heterogeneous environment as far as Maple versions are concerned.

Thanks in advance,

Mac Dude


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