Question: How do I solve a system of equations in Maple 17 for Mac?

I was required to purchase Maple 17 for my upcoming Calculus III course, and until now, I have been using my TI-Nspire CAS CX for all of my CAS needs.  I am going through various tutorials/labs in an effort to learn how to use the Maple 17 Software. As a part of this process, I am attempting to solve a system of equations and was told to use the following command:


in order to receive the answer 



Instead, I have received the following error message, which has no help attached to it through the help page.

solve({2*x+3*y = 7, 5*x+8*y = 9}, {x, y});
Warning, solving for expressions other than names or functions is not recommended.

I am hoping this has something to do with Mac vs. Windows software, and that it has a simple solution.  I would greatly appreciate any guidance!

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