Question: plot 3D for the numerical solution with parameter of a linear system of differential equation

I have a differential equation system x'(t)=f1(k,t)*x(t)+f2(k,t)*y(t), x'(t)=g1(k,t)*x(t)+g2(k,t)*y(t) with initial condition x(0)=1 and y(0)=1. Here k is a parameter, f1, f2,g1, g2 are certain functions of k and t. I used dsolve and set k to be a parameter to solve the system numerically which gives you a procedure output. If I fixed k to be a specific numerical number, then I can use odeplot to plot x(t) VS t.

Now I set a range for k, say k=0..10. And I want to plot x VS (t,k) which is a 3D graph. How can I do this?

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