Question: Solving a nonlinear system of equations in Maple - duration?


       How long can I expect Maple17 to take to algebraically solve a system of 14 nonlinear equations that has approximately 40% nonlinearity in its terms? I am running it on the machine right now, but have no idea what to expect. As mentioned before, I'm new to Maple...

Here is my code:

restart; eq1 := A*z-B*a*z-V*a*q-W*(b+d)*a = 0; eq2 := W*(b+d)*a-V*b*q-(F*G+B+D)*b*z = 0; eq3 := V*a*q-W*c*(b+d)-(B+C+E)*c*z = 0; eq4 := V*b*q+W*(b+d)*c-(B+C+D+F)*d*z = 0; eq5 := G*F*b*z-V*q*e-(B+H)*e*z = 0; eq6 := H*e*z-V*q*f-(B+S)*f*z = 0; eq7 := S*f*z-V*q*g-B*g*z = 0; eq8 := V*q*g+S*s*z-(B+C+E)*h*z = 0; eq9 := F*d*z+V*q*e-(B+C+H+T)*t*z = 0; eq10 := H*t*z+V*q*f-(U+B+C+2*S)*s*z = 0; eq11 := T*t*z-(B+H+Y)*u*z = 0; eq12 := U*s*z-(B+S)*v*z+H*u*z-Y*H*v*z/(H+S) = 0; eq13 := g-c-d-t-s-h = 0; eq14 := z-a-b-c-d-e-f-g-h-s-t-u-v = 0; soln := solve({eq1, eq10, eq11, eq12, eq13, eq14, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7, eq8, eq9}, {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, q, s, t, u, v, z});




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