Question: Recursive integral equation

I want to find numerically the limit lim(y[m](t),m = infinity), do you have an idea how to do implement it in maple?



"h:=0.000065;  Theta3(t):=sum(exp(-m^(2)*Pi^(2)*t),m=-100..100);  y[0](t)=1;  t>0;  m>=1;  y[m](t)=1-h*int(Theta3(s)(y[m-1](t-s))^(4),s=0..t);  "



proc (t) options operator, arrow; sum(exp(-m^2*Pi^2*t), m = -100 .. 100) end proc


Error, (in y[m]) too many levels of recursion


0 < t


1 <= m


Error, (in y[m]) too many levels of recursion





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