Question: Is there any use of the specific 1-D math input other than in Help page?

Hello those in mapleprimes,


I have a question.

I opened Help and entered diff, for example, to have the explanation of how to use diff.

Whether it is diff or not, is not the problem I want to ask about now. But, what I want to ask is the following.

I cklicked the WS botton at the tool bar of the Help, so that I created the worksheet of the same contents of the help of the diff.

Then, I chose an expression in Calling Sequence. That is,

the first line shows

diff(f,x1, ..., xj)     on the left, and on the right \frac{d^j}{dx_j \cdots dx_I} f (I wrote this in the TeX ways, though

it is written in 2-D math input, actually)


I chose an expression on the right side, and from context menu, which appeared though right clicking of my mouse,

I selected convert to and 1-D math input, through which I changed 2-D math of the worksheet of the help file to 1-D math input.

Then, the expression shown is a strange one:

((ⅆ)^j)/(ⅆx[j] `...` ⅆx[`1`]) f;


This is still easier one. As for the third line in the Help, it has a more complicated form as

((ⅆ)^r)/(ⅆx[k]^m ⅆx[j] `...` ⅆx[3] ⅆx[2]^n ⅆx[1]^n) f;


Do you know how this way to notate is applied in maple worksheet?

Why does maplesoft use this way to notate expressions limited to the Help pages, if it is limited to the help pages.


Thanks in advance.



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