Question: Logarithmic mode for plot

The scale of vertical axis is logarithmic and function in each interval must be linear. When I use the command " mode=log " the shape of lines are deformed into curves, however when I use the command " curve ", the shape of lines remains straight. I can use right-click for changing mode to logarithmic scale but is it possible to use label font for vertical axis as well as size, resolution and other options in the command "curve" ?

Thanks alot



restart; with(plottools):

SN := curve([[3, (4.566256-4.544647)/(4.544647)], [4, (4.544933-4.544647)/(4.544647)], [5, (4.544653-4.544647)/(4.544647)], [6, (4.544649-4.544647)/(4.544647)], [7, 0]]): PLOT(SN);


for m to 5 do

x[m] := m+2 end do:

y[1, 1] := (4.566256-4.544647)/(4.544647):y[2, 1] := (4.544933-4.544647)/(4.544647): y[3, 1] := (4.544653-4.544647)/(4.544647): y[4, 1] := (4.544649-4.544647)/(4.544647): y[5, 1] := 0:

for j to 1 do for i to 4 do

L[i, j] := (y[i+1, j]-y[i, j])*(x-x[i])+y[i, j] end do:

PW[j] := piecewise(`and`(x >= x[1], x < x[2]), L[1, 1], `and`(x >= x[2], x < x[3]), L[2, 1], `and`(x >= x[3], x < x[4]), L[3, 1], `and`(x >= x[4], x < x[5]), L[4, 1]) end do:

plot(PW[1], x = x[1] .. x[5], color = black, axes = framed, font = [Times, 13], size = [650, 550], resolution = 1200, legendstyle = [location = top], legend = ['gamma' = -.4], linestyle = solid, thickness = 2, labels = [Number*of*Basis, '(P-P[min])/P[min]'], labelfont = [Times, 13], axis[2] = [mode = log]);


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