Question: The fsolve command fails, solve doesn't

Hi Maple community

I'm running an algorithm where a non-linear equation system must be solved, in this case is a 26x26 system.

After 16116 succesful previous computations, fsolve stops giving me results.
I checked why and I was first expecting that, for some reason, the 26x26 system had an error and I ended with something like 25x26 or vice versa. But that was not the case.

So I tried the command solve and it not only worked fine but also gave me two results, but I only need one. I guess I could check for the wrong solution and discard it, but I still wondering why fsolve is failing and if there is anything to help fsolve not to fail.

These are the set of equations if somebody wants to check them:

EQ[16117][1] := W[1, 16117]*(-0.3860115660e-1*HRa[1, 16117]-0.1876793978e-1*ga[1, 16117]+0.7836678184e-1) = 2.040147478*10^6*SR[1, 16118], W[1, 16117]*(-0.3915554290e-1*HRa[1, 16117]-0.1903748329e-1*ga[1, 16117]+0.8260795999e-1) = 3.876387504, W[1, 16117]*(-0.1876794098e-1*HRa[1, 16117]-0.9892449327e-2*ga[1, 16117]+0.3810204607e-1) = 2.040147478*10^6*v[1, 16118], HLa[1, 16117] = .9724029753*ga[1, 16117]+HRa[1, 16117], NRa[1, 16117] = 0.7006679273e-1*HRa[1, 16117]-.1803623678*ga[1, 16117]+1.002451672, NLa[1, 16117] = 0.7006679273e-1*HRa[1, 16117]+.2484955248*ga[1, 16117]+1.002451672, SL[2, 16118] = SR[1, 16118], fra[1, 16117] = HRa[1, 16117]-HLa[2, 16117], fra[1, 16117] = .25*NRa[1, 16117]+.25*NLa[2, 16117], ga[1, 16117] = 0.;

EQ[16117][2] := W[2, 16117]*(-0.3860115660e-1*HRa[2, 16117]-0.1876793978e-1*ga[2, 16117]+0.7836678184e-1) = -2.040147478*10^6*SL[2, 16118]+7.152482840, W[2, 16117]*(-0.3915554290e-1*HRa[2, 16117]-0.1903748329e-1*ga[2, 16117]+0.8260795999e-1) = 3.876387504, W[2, 16117]*(-0.1876794098e-1*HRa[2, 16117]-0.9892449327e-2*ga[2, 16117]+0.3810204607e-1) = -1.983845478*10^6*SL[2, 16118]+5.221405977, HLa[2, 16117] = .9724029753*ga[2, 16117]+HRa[2, 16117], NRa[2, 16117] = 0.7006679273e-1*HRa[2, 16117]-.1803623678*ga[2, 16117]+1.002451672, NLa[2, 16117] = 0.7006679273e-1*HRa[2, 16117]+.2484955248*ga[2, 16117]+1.002451672, SL[3, 16118] = 0.3505865589e-5, fra[2, 16117] = HRa[2, 16117]-HLa[3, 16117];

EQ[16117][3] := W[3, 16117]*(-0.3860115660e-1*HRa[3, 16117]-0.1876793978e-1*ga[3, 16117]+0.7836678184e-1) = -2.040147478*10^6*SL[3, 16118]+10.82168541, W[3, 16117]*(-0.3915554290e-1*HRa[3, 16117]-0.1903748329e-1*ga[3, 16117]+0.8260795999e-1) = 3.876387504, W[3, 16117]*(-0.1876794098e-1*HRa[3, 16117]-0.9892449327e-2*ga[3, 16117]+0.3810204607e-1) = -1.983845478*10^6*SL[3, 16118]+8.751240594, HLa[3, 16117] = .9724029753*ga[3, 16117]+HRa[3, 16117], NRa[3, 16117] = 0.7006679273e-1*HRa[3, 16117]-.1803623678*ga[3, 16117]+1.002451672, NLa[3, 16117] = 0.7006679273e-1*HRa[3, 16117]+.2484955248*ga[3, 16117]+1.002451672, SL[4, 16118] = 0.5304364281e-5, fra[3, 16117] = HRa[3, 16117];

And after these the solving command that I used was:


Which returns


As I said, then I tried the solve command:


which returns:

SOL[16117] :=

{HLa[1, 16117] = 1.011251860, HLa[2, 16117] = .5007913055, HLa[3, 16117] = -0.4240068535e-1, HRa[1, 16117] = 1.011251860, HRa[2, 16117] = .8728245835, HRa[3, 16117] = .2686716410, NLa[1, 16117] = 1.073306847, NLa[2, 16117] = .9685353734, NLa[3, 16117] = .9417827567, NRa[1, 16117] = 1.073306847, NRa[2, 16117] = 1.132612831, NRa[3, 16117] = 1.078974668, SL[2, 16118] = 0.1737463747e-5, SL[3, 16118] = 0.3505865589e-5, SL[4, 16118] = 0.5304364281e-5, SR[1, 16118] = 0.1737463747e-5, W[1, 16117] = 90.12372195, W[2, 16117] = 69.57451714, W[3, 16117] = 49.58407210, fra[1, 16117] = .5104605550, fra[2, 16117] = .9152252689, fra[3, 16117] = .2686716410, ga[1, 16117] = 0., ga[2, 16117] = -.3825916698, ga[3, 16117] = -.3199006320, v[1, 16118] = 8.447574110*10^(-7)},

{HLa[1, 16117] = 3.043461992, HLa[2, 16117] = 2.386862361, HLa[3, 16117] = -0.4240068535e-1, HRa[1, 16117] = 3.043461992, HRa[2, 16117] = 1.087485894, HRa[3, 16117] = .2686716410, NLa[1, 16117] = 1.215697293, NLa[2, 16117] = 1.410701230, NLa[3, 16117] = .9417827567, NRa[1, 16117] = 1.215697293, NRa[2, 16117] = .8376385519, NRa[3, 16117] = 1.078974668, SL[2, 16118] = 0.2032780481e-5, SL[3, 16118] = 0.3505865589e-5, SL[4, 16118] = 0.5304364281e-5, SR[1, 16118] = 0.2032780481e-5, W[1, 16117] = -106.0268094, W[2, 16117] = 265.7250566, W[3, 16117] = 49.58407210, fra[1, 16117] = .6565996307, fra[2, 16117] = 1.129886580, fra[3, 16117] = .2686716410, ga[1, 16117] = 0., ga[2, 16117] = 1.336253076, ga[3, 16117] = -.3199006320, v[1, 16118] = 9.883410782*10^(-7)}

Thanks in advance for any recommendations and suggestions.

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