Question: Emacs Maple Mode

I use Ubuntu 14.04 and X, not the desktop.  I use emacs/maple 2016.

GNU Emacs 25.1.2 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw scroll bars)
 of 2017-03-1

;;; maplev.el --- Maple mode for GNU Emacs

;; Authors:    Joseph S. Riel <>
;;             and Roland Winkler <>
;; Time-stamp: "2003-10-09 22:49:16 joe"
;; Created:    June 1999
;; Version:    2.155
;; Keywords:   Maple, languages
;; X-URL:
;; X-RCS:      $Id: maplev.el,v 1.14 2006-06-02 14:02:38 joe Exp $

I use emacs/maple mode with maple 2016.  Quite often, emacs looses connection with the maple server.  I do  not remember this happening or maybe not as often, with earlier versions of maple.

After using maple/emacs, I started xmaple.  After a few expression evaluations, the maple server stopped.  Restarting xmaple and repeating the expression evaluations many times, I do not get the crash.  So, this appears to be a difficulty with external connections to the maple server.

Does a later version of maple mode exist?


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