Question: how to dsolve for x(t) in this case?

in the steps below, it is not fluent to do, and appear diff(1,t)

KineticEnergy := 1/2*m*diff(x(t), t)^2;
PotentialEnergy := subs(x=x(t),int((1/R^2)^2,x));
Action := KineticEnergy - PotentialEnergy;
AA := diff(Action,x(t)) - diff(diff(Action, diff(x(t),t)),t) = 0 <-------- Dsolve this
AA := eval(subs(diff(1,t)=0,diff(Action,x(t))) - Diff(subs(p=Diff(x(t),t),diff(subs(Diff(x(t),t)=p, Action), p)),t)) = 0
dsolve(AA, x(t));

Where R is constant

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