Question: How to properly determine roots when the solution contain a set of parameters ?

Hello everyone,

First I want to thank you for paying attention to my post.

I'm trying to determine the maximum of the following function:

Maple Code:


e is my variable and I want to study it in [0,1[. I have a several parameters restriction like b in [0,1[ and alpha>1.

When I value this function for specific values (b=0.1, alpha=4 for instance) I get the equation and its associated graphic representation:

Maple Code:




I'm only interested in the domain where e is betweeen 0 and 1. I clearly on the graph see that there is a maximum and when 1) I compute roots of the expression I get 2) following solutions:



    0.9324708634, 0.07447358108, 0.6965691592, 1.345632810, 


Here: 0.6965691592 corresponds to the maximum I'm looking for.

So now when I try to get a generalization of this function according to my parameters and when I compute the first derivative with respect to e

I find only 3 solutions and I cannot understand why





the last is very big so I do not write it here.

To sum-up: I see that the solution I'm looking for exists but when it comes to use parameters I cannot define correct roots.

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