Question: What's the problem in this numerical integration by Maple?

Maple gives the integral's face instead of giving a number as the numerical integration, no matter what command for the numerical integration I use. Does any one know what the problem is?

T2start := -5.036645000*10^9*(x[5]^2+.2725890432*x[5]+.3732640349)*x[5]/(5.036645000*10^9*x[5]^2+1.27004241*10^8*x[5]+5.3714241*10^7); 
T2end := -5.036645000*10^9*(x[5]^2+.2871403962*x[5]+.3945934083)*x[5]/(5.036645000*10^9*x[5]^2+1.27004241*10^8*x[5]+5.3714241*10^7);
J := (25183225000000*x[5]^4+(-100732900000000*T[2]+73827142410000)*x[5]^3+(-112645777230000*T[2]+662242877289)*x[5]^2-2398770574578*T[2]*x[5]-393671672289*T[2])/(10000000*x[5]^2+14658000*x[5]);
int(abs(J), [T[2] = T2start .. T2end, x[5] = 0 .. infinity], numeric);

I also used the following.

evalf(Int(abs(J), [T[2] = T2start .. T2end, x[5] = 0 .. infinity]));

The result was same.

Or when I use

evalf(Int(abs(J), [T[2] = T2start .. T2end, x[5] = 0 .. infinity], method = _MonteCarlo));

It gives an error saying:

Error, (in evalf/int) invalid arguments

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