Question: solve - Finding triangle sides given altitudes

The program below is meant to use the  solve command to find the sides a, b, c of a triangle, given the lengths of the three altitudes, hA, hB and hC.  This program came from a higher version of Maple and I wondered what the word 'explicit' is meant to do in the  Sol->[solve({hA=(...statement.  The output just gives the name Sol - when I would have liked it to either give a solution for the sides in terms of the altitudes hA,hB,hC - or numeric float values.  For the attempted values of the altitudes all being equal to sqrt(30/2, the triangle is equilateral of side 1.

  Any suggestions to get this to work in Maple 7would be most appreciated.





> restart:

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# Altitude exploration 

# Trying to obtain expressions for the sides a,b,c of a triangle
# given the altitudes.

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Sol->[solve({hA=(a+b+c)/a, hB=(a+b+c)/b, hC=(a+b+c)/c},{a,b,c}  )];  #,explicit)];

#  ???Is explicit needed?? Is it a Maple 7 feature?


abc:=simplify(eval(Sol,[hA=sqrt(3)/2,hB=sqrt(3)/2, hC=sqrt(3)/2]));  #should give a=b=c=1

gf:=eval(Sol, a=1);


Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined


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