Question: How to program Multivariate statistics with MapleTA?

Dear reader,

My questions about Multivariate Statistics are all programmed the hard way. When using R in the classroom, which has all the commands available this looks a little awkward. Thing is that every command should give a specific answer which can be related to a question box.

A little help would be nice. I am more than happy to share questions

:// data input;
:// dependent variable Y;
:// independent variable X1;
:// independent variable X2;
:// independent variable X3;
:// small variables based on deviation around average value;
:// summation of deviation values;
:// calculation of the coefficients;
:// coefficient betha1;
:// calculate estimate based on given values;
:// standard deviations;
:// correlation coefficients;
:// estimated values;
:// $errortr=maple("LinearAlgebra[Transpose]($error)");
:// $sumerrorsq=maple("LinearAlgebra[MatrixMatrixMultiply]($errortr,$error)");
:// standard error of the coefficients;
:// R-squared;
:// adjusted R-squared;
:// hypothesis: does variable X[i] influence Y? H[0]: it does not so b=0;


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