Question: Syrup problem for band-pass filter

I am attempting to reproduce the results claimed by for a band pass filter.

I have checked the circuit specification and found no errors.

Am I expecting too much or am I doing something wrong?

## Filter Requirements for Band-Pass, 4th order Butterworth
## Specifications: Optimize for Power, +Vs= 5, -Vs= -5
## Gain: 10 dB
## Passband: -3dB at 2kHz
## Stopband: -40dB at 40kHz
## Component Tolerances: Capacitor = 5%; Resistor = 1%; Inductor = 5%; Op Amp GBW = 20%

with(Syrup); Version;

ckt := "*60 kHz Band Pass Filter  \n\
vin 1   0 \n\
R1A 1   2 165k \n\
R1B 5   7 169k \n\
R2A 2   0 976 \n\
R2B 7   0 1k \n\
R3A 6   0 221 \n\
R3B 11  0 226 \n\
R4A 5   6 12.7k \n\
R4B 10 11 12.7k \n\
R5A 4   3 97.6k \n\
R5B 9   8 100k \n\
R98 3   0 1e9 \n\
R99 8   0 1e9 \n\
C1A 2   4 270pF \n\
C1B 7   9 270pF \n\
C2A 2   3 270pF \n\
C2B 7   8 270pF \n\
* \n\
X1A 6  3 5  NonIdealOpAmp \n\
X1B 11 8 10 NonIdealOpAmp \n\
.include Library:-NonIdealOpAmp \n\

volts, others := Solve(ckt, 'ac', 'returnall');
gain := eval(v[10]/vin, volts);
H := subs({A=80000, f0=15*10^6, Ro=100}, gain);
tf := evalf(H);
sys := TransferFunction(tf);


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