Question: Why does the code not work in Maple 2018.1?

For some unknown reason, the code below does not work in Maple 2018.1, but works in Maple 2015 and Maple 2017 (the idea is taken from here

with(plottools): with(plots):
V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8:=[0,-1,0],[0,0,0],[1,0,0],[1,-1,0],[0,-1,1],[0,0,1],[1,0,1],[1,-1,1]:  # The vertices of the cube
Faces:=[[V1,V4,V8,V5],[V5,V6,V7,V8],[V2,V3,V7,V6],[V1,V2,V3,V4],[V3,V4,V8,V7],[V1,V2,V6,V5]]: # The list of the faces
Colors:=[green, red,RGB(1, 0, 4),blue,grey,gold]: # The list of the colors

for n from 1 to 7 do
F[n]:=t->rotate(Cube[n-1],t, [[0,n-1,0],[1,n-1,0]]):
Cube[n]:=rotate(Cube[n-1],-Pi/2, [[0,n-1,0],[1,n-1,0]]):
A[n]:=animate(display,[F[n](t)], t=0..-Pi/2,paraminfo=false);

for m from 6 to 0 by -1 do
G[m]:=t->rotate(Cube[m+1],t, [[0,m,0],[1,m,0]]):
B[m]:=animate(display,[G[m](t)], t=0..Pi/2,paraminfo=false);

C1:=display([seq(A[k], k=1..7)], insequence):
C2:=display([seq(B[k], k=6..0, -1)], insequence):
display([C1,C2], insequence, scaling=constrained, axes=normal);


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