Question: How do I write this differential equation (Newtons 2. law) as a system of equations and calculate the transfer function in Maple?

Hi all, I would be most grateful if I could get some help with solving the tasks below using Maple.

Given the function: mx''(t)+cx'(t)+kx(t)= F_y(t)

  1. Rewrite the equation above to a system of 1. order differential equations, by defining the two variables x_1(t) = x(t) and x_2(t)=x'(t) (Hint what is x'(t)?) This gives the first differential equation in the system. What is x_2'(t)?
  2. Write the equations as a linear system when the outer force F_y(t) is the influence and the position x_1(t) is the answer, in other words give the system matrix A and the vectors b and r.
  3. I'm given the constants m = 5kg, c = 3Ns/m and k = 20 N/m and I'm trying to find the transfer function of the system.
  4. Give the systems transfer function H(s) and draw the graphs for the amplitude and phase characteristic.

Thank you!



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