Question: Solve equations

I'm trying to solve this to set of equations :


EQ2 :=-1186578.220*R*k^2*wr-312683.0293*k^5-288960.9621*k^3*R:

using a loop for different value of R in the range this range (wr=0..10,k=0..10)

for i from 1 by 1 to 101 do R:=(i-1):S:=fsolve(eqns,{k, wr},{wr=0..10,k=0..10}):v(i):=(subs(S,(wr)));w(i):=(subs(S,(k)))end do:

but i get this instead :

Error, invalid input: subs received fsolve({-312683.0293*k^5, -1958143.922*k*wr+2468.8339*k^3*wr-0.9481118254e16*k^2-114000.8376*k^4}, {k, wr}, {k = 0 .. 10, wr = 0 .. 10}), which is not valid for its 1st argument

is there another way to solves this equations more easly .

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