Question: How to list only real solutions when there are other variables?


I have the following set of coefficients 

coef7 := [-1, 2, alpha[1, 2], alpha[2, 6], (17*RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)+17)/(alpha[1, 2]*alpha[2, 6]), -17/alpha[2, 6], -33/(32*RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)), -(163/32+RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)^2+5*RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)*(1/4))/(alpha[1, 2]*alpha[2, 6]), -RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)-5/4, RootOf(64*_Z^3+80*_Z^2+1104*_Z+561)]


Considering that alpha[1,2] and alpha[2,6] are always real, how can I extract only the real solution from coef7?  

Many thanks.



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