Question: Is it possible to solve numerically a 2D parabolic partial differential equation?

Let A a (linear) partial differential operator and f=f(x, y, t) a function of space (x, y) and time (t).
Let DXY=[a, b] x [c, d], DT=[0..e] and  dXY the boundary of DXY.
Is it possible, with Maple 2015, to solve numerically the pde Af=0 in the open domain  DXY * DT
with Dirichlet conditions on dXY and initial condition f(DXY, 0)?
It seems that the option 'numeric' of pdsolve doesn't work with more than 1 "non time" independent variable:
Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/process_PDEs) can only numerically solve PDE with two independent variables, got {t, x, y}

Nevertheles I seem to remember seeing this on Mapleprime (?)
If Maple 2015 can't do it, can Maple 2020?

Thanks in advance

  • Remark: Af=0 is the heat equation with rho=Cp=lambda=1.
    I guess I could code the alternate directions method to transform  Af=0 into a sequence Axf=0,  Ayf=0 Axf=0 ... of 1D diffusion equations but I'm a little bit lazzy and I'm waiting for your feedback before doing this.


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