Question: Animating the motion of an electron around a radial electric field

Hi, I want to animate the motion of an electrond around a negative-source electric field. The trajectory would be iperbolic, however I've encountered one problem: I have to compose the movemente with 4 different animate pointplot3d, and they all start at a certain point at the same time and end in another at the same time. Can I make it so that they all start when another one has finished and only the moving one is shown?

animate(pointplot3d, [[A, sqrt(A^2 - 1), 0], symbol = solidsphere, symbolsize = 15, color = "Blue"], A = 1 .. 3), 
pointplot3d([0, 0, 0], symbol = solidsphere, color = "Blue", symbolsize = 15), 
animate(pointplot3d, [[-A, -sqrt(-1 + (-A)^2), 0], symbol = solidsphere, symbolsize = 15, color = "Blue"], A = -3 .. -1), 
animate(pointplot3d, [[A, 3*sqrt(2)/4*A - sqrt(2)/4, 0], symbol = solidsphere, symbolsize = 15, color = "Blue"], A = 3 .. 6), 
animate(pointplot3d, [[-A, 3*sqrt(2)/4*A - sqrt(2)/4, 0], symbol = solidsphere, symbolsize = 15, color = "Blue"], A = -6 .. -3), 
implicitplot3d(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 17, x = -6 .. 6, y = -10 .. 10, z = -10 .. 10, color = "Green", style = wireframe), 
scaling = constrained)

This is the code I've come up with, the blue still point is the elctron which powers the field, the moving blue point (there are 4 of them but all represent the same thing) is the moving electron and the green ball is a representation of the electric field.

Edit: I'll use the code for interactive components.

Thanks in advance to everyone!


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