Question: Polynomial division

I have

f:=a^6*o + a^5*i + a^4*u + a^3*q + a^2*t + a


f1:=7*a^6*p + 6*a^5*o + 5*a^4*i + 4*a^3*u + 3*a^2*q + 2*a*t + 1

I want to divide two functions f/f1 to produce a result.

a^2*t+ a^3*(-2*t^2 + 2*q)+ a^4*(4*t^3 - 7*t*q + 3*u)(-8*t^4 + 20*t^2*q - 6*q^3 - 10*t*u + 4*i)*a^5+a^6*(16*t^5 - 52*t^3*q + 33*t*q^3 + 28*t^2*u - 13*i*t - 17*u*q + 5*o)+O(a^7)


I have tried collect and asympt, the result is not satisfactory.


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